Sunday, January 16, 2011

Date Paste

Dates are a wonderfully delicious alternative to sugar. Dates are a natural sweetener that are full of valuable nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. They contain essential minerals like vitamin A, thiamine, potassium and riboflavin to name a few. Dates are also low in fat, calories and sodium. Here is a basic recipe for making your own Date Paste which can be used in a variety of food preparation like salad dressings, sauces, desserts, etc. Dates my new favorite sugar substitute and I'm going to be trying it out is so many different ways! This recipe is sooooooo yummy! Try it and you will love it too! =)

Date Paste

Makes 1 cup


2 Cups of pitted dates

Water for soaking

Cover dates with cold water and soak for 1 hour. Remove dates and reserve water. Place dates in blender or Cuisinart and process until smooth (I like to use my Cuisinart Mini Prep for this). Adjust consistency with some of reserved water, if needed. Store date paste in an airtight container in your refrigerator for up to two weeks. Use as needed.


Dates- تمر on FoodistaDates- تمر


  1. Hello! Thanks for the recipe! I would love to use this in baking. Do you know how much paste to use in place of sugar?

  2. it realy depends on the recipe and how sweet I want it, do you have something in mind you would like to try it out with and I'll take a look. I love using date sugar and that's so easy to substitute, just replace regular sugar with the date sugar does that help?


  3. So than DATE PASTE is a "substiute" for date sugar? Or would you consider it an alternative, like Honey is? I am new(ish) to the Dr. Furhman way of living, and I must say I find it pretty easy to saty on the wagon. But the sugar mart has gotten me whipped more than once when I was unable to fix a new recipe because of processed sugar :(

    One other question concerning date sugar; when making ice cream, the sugar helps to keep the ice cream mixture from freezing rock hard--will date sugar act the same way?

    Oh yeay, I like your blog, and I think I will be returing, very informative -- and entertaining, to boot!!

    Keep up the good work!

