Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lily's Favorite Green Smoothie a.k.a. The Green Dinosaur

If you've enjoyed a green smoothie before, you know that is oh so delicious! If you haven't you might be thinking there's no way I'm gonna like that! Raw greens in my smoothie?!?! You've got to be kidding....YUCK!! Stop right there. I'm telling you to try it and you will love it! Lily, my 3 year old daughter even loves them. Making smoothies with Mommy is a morning tradition around here. We make all different kinds and the most exciting part for Lily is anticipating what color the smoothie is going to be.

Green smoothies are a great way for the whole family to get the in the nutrient-rich foods needed for optimum health. There are so many different options, you can make if with all different types of greens and fruit. Picky eaters won’t even taste the greens because adding fruit makes it taste great. I wasn’t in the mood for a salad yesterday, so I opted for a green smoothie instead! I got my raw greens and I was super satisfied. Here’s a basic and delicious one for you to try.

The Green Dinosaur

Servings: 2

1-2 cups baby spinach

1-2 cups romaine lettuce

1/2 an avocado

1 banana

1/2 cup frozen pineapple

1/2 cup frozen mango

5 ounces unsweetened almond milk

5 ounces fresh squeezed orange or clementine juice

1 tablespoon ground flax seeds


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.

Enjoy! YUM!


  1. This looks incredible, I can't wait to try this with my kids!

  2. Who doesn’t love a green smoothie?! I like the name, too. It reminds me of the kid-friendly food names that I used to entice my kids to eat their veggies: broccoli was “turtle trees” and brussels sprouts were “beach balls”. . . and so on. Hey, whatever works!

  3. How is this not super-thick? Like un-drinkable thick? Maybe I've been too scared to add that much to our daily green smoothie. You've convinced me.....we'll give it a try tomorrow. Thanks.

  4. it's a thicker smoothie...but not undrinkable..try it and let me could always add more almond milk, juice or water if it's a little too thick for your is delish though! =)

  5. This looks great! I make something similar - we call it a Tropical Smoothie - but i love the addition of avocado in yours. I've been too much of an avocado hog in the past to want to use any in smoothies, but I think I'll have to try!

    if you're interested, here's my version - not vegan, but could certainly be adapted. We make them into popsicles, which my son LOVES:

  6. Hi Justine,

    I love making smoothies into popsicles for the kids. So tasty and good for them. Thanks for the link to your your smoothie!

