Monday, June 27, 2011

Cashew Date Cream Stuffed Strawberries

I wasn't even planning on making these for this weeks blog post - you were suppose to get Jerk String Beans with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce - don't worry you'll get those soon - and they are going to be worth the wait. I always have an idea of what I want to share with you, but sometimes I get inspired and end up filing away the other recipe for the future. I'm glad I did this time, this recipe will knock your socks off.

It's almost Fourth of July and what better way to celebrate by serving up these beautiful, tasty  and healthy red, white and blue treats. Trust me, no one will even know they are healthy treats they are so good. These are so easy to make and I bet if you serve this up at your July 4th BBQ people will be begging for the recipe. The cashew date cream isn't stark white, but still gives the red, white and blue feel I was looking for. I could have made a coconut whipped cream - that would have been more white- but I felt this was the way to go. The cashew date cream is so sinfully good. It compliments the sweetness of the strawberries and tartness of the blueberries. It is the perfect marriage of flavors - I had to fend off my family from eating them so I could just get one good picture! My 3 year old was so happy I was done, she ate every single one off the plate, minus the one my poor husband got. I have plenty of leftover cream, strawberries and blueberries in the fridge to make more today, so he's happy.

I am going to be making the cashew date cream for other recipes since it is so good. It would make a good icing for cupcakes or banana bread muffins. I'm going to make my Healthy Vegan Banana Bread into muffins to update the recipe for you, and of course a gluten-free version of both - I am working on it. Can I make home-made twinkies and fill it with this? Oh, yes, I'm so on it!

These are also great for a tea party, shower, dinner party - actually you can serve them at any party, or anytime. =)

Cashew Date Cream

Yield: 1 cup


1 cup raw cashews, soaked in cold water for 4 hours

1 cup pitted dates, preferabbly Medjool, soaked in cold water for 4 hours

1 tbsp pure vanilla extract

1-2 pinches ground cinammon, to taste

Non-dairy unsweetened vanilla milk, for thinning


1. Soak cashews and dates separately in cold water for 4 hours.

2. Drain cashew and dates. Add dates, cashews, vanilla and cinammon to high-powered blender or cuisinart fitted with S-shaped blade.

3. Puree until creamy and smooth adding a tiny bit of non-dairy milk if too thick.

4. Chill in Rrefrigerater minimun 1 hour or until ready to use.

* I wrote this yields 1 cup, but it could have been a little more, but we taste-tested a *little* hehe of it.

Cashew Date Cream Stuffed Strawberries


1 pint of fresh strawberries, washed and dried

1 pint of fresh blueberries, washed and dried

1 cup cashew date cream


1.  Cut a thin slice from bottom of strawberries so they stand upright. Remove tops of strawberries with a paring knife and gently scoop out some of the inside of the strawberries. Another option is to not cut off the top off the strawberries, but cut the strawberries from the top into wedges, like a + sign ( but not all the way through).

2. Use a pastry bag with a decorative tip, or fill a ziplock bag with one corner cut off with cashew date cream.

3. Fill the strawberries with the cream and top with a blueberry. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

4. Serve on a pretty platter.

* I couldn't find my pastry bags and decorative tips so I had to resort to using a ziplock bag to fill my strawberries. They would look a little fancier using a decorative tip, but I still think they look beautiful without, so don't worry if you don't have this. I also left the bottoms on my strawberries because they all stood nicely on their own ( I guess I got lucky). This serves 4 people, so double it up for larger crowds.

Nutirent-rich and delish. Enjoy!


  1. i didn't know it was this easy to make cashew date cream! soo innovative and delicious!!! how long do the strawberries last for filled with the cream?

  2. Hi Junia :)

    I'm not sure they didnt even make it back into the fridge! Lol I'm sure they would be fine overnight in the fridge. I'm making more today so I will test it out for you ;) these are really really yummy though!


    Jen :)

  3. This look utterly amazing - festive and useful. And I have to say - your picture of them is top-notch!! It drew me right in.

  4. Thanks Tamara! ;)

    I hope you try these, they are super delish!


    Jen =)

  5. GORGEOUS! And another thing that I can add to my "ways to use cashews" list.

  6. Thanks Nikki =) I need to make more of these stat ;)


  7. These are just so perfect to serve out on the porch! with some fresh juicy drinks!
    Your bean burgers with chipotle bbq sauce are already on my to do for tomorrow!

    -Richa @ Hobby And More Blog ,
    Hobby And More on Facebook ,

  8. Beautiful blog, Jennifer! I got the link from Lilly on . I've starred some of your recipes for special-occasion cooking in the future!

    I have a more modest blog at . I'd be honored if you'd take a peek. :-)


  9. Looks divine...I love those raw cashew creams...they are so deluctably crazy divinely good! ;)

    It's fun how you made it festive for the fourth! Now you need to make a Canadian version, lol!

  10. Thanks Richa =) Let me know if you try the black bean burgers out, yummy =)


    Thanks for stopping by, I'm honored that you came by! I checked out your blog, it's wonderful, keep up the good work =)


    Thank you, how about just strawberries topped with raspberries? that would look beautiful! ;)

    Thanks again for all your wonderful comments, I truly appreciate it =)

