Monday, June 6, 2011

Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie

I've started writing a monthly vegan recipe column for One Green Planet. One Green Planet is an online ecosystem that draws links between the world of ecology, the environment and vegan living. We are a platform that brings together a range of distinct voices, unified by a commitment to spreading good ideas that benefit people, animals and the planet. I am honored and thrilled to join the ranks of so many prominent contributors.

Here is an excerpt from my recent publication:

It’s rhubarb season and if you visit your local farmer’s market right now I’m sure you will find plenty of this antioxidant-rich vegetable there. My last visit to our local market showcased some fresh and beautiful rhubarb.

Please visit the following link to read more:

Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie

Enjoy and have a great day!


  1. oooo wonderful smoothie combo! love the combo of the classic strawberry banana with rhubard!

    btw, there is this fantastic organic spa in ridgewood (called organic karma) across from WF. they do amazing pedicures there in rose lavender water, veggies, u name it! i love it!

  2. I've been wanting to try that place, thanks for the recommendation!


  3. These look great! I'm so glad you've joined the OGP team!

  4. Thanks, me too. I was thrilled to get the invitation to write for OGP and I'm definitely looking forward to contributing more recipes in the future.

    I've been meaning to do this, but I just added you to my blogroll...if you have one, feel free to add me to yours ;)


